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In June, will be changing to - Read more

Dry-ish January

We're not big fans of radical new year resolutions that we're never likely to keep, and struggling through the long, cold, dark month of January without a glass of wine seems unrealistically masochistic. Instead, we're going to give this idea a try and we'll see how we feel in February.
Calculate what you spend on wine each week or month and look to spend the same amount in January, but simply spend twice as much money on each bottle you purchase. You'll immediately half the amount of wine you'll be drinking and you'll increase your enjoyment of it exponentially. You'll also get to try wines that you would not usually buy and you'll be drinking wines of much higher quality.
It sounds like a very achievable ambition to us, and halving our wine intake will be a pretty impressive feat! Give it a try for yourselves and drop us a line to let us know how you get on.
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